Can you believe that Good Friday is tomorrow? 2019 really is flying.
With the first big bank holiday weekend of the year nearly upon us, we thought we’d check in with our followers to find out whether you’re #insuranceready (not to be confused with that controversial ad campaign with the bikini model that caused lots of outrage a couple of years back).

While bar takings and happy customers are undoubtedly top of your priority list, you can’t ignore the risks that could seriously damage your business if not managed properly.
This article isn’t going to be a time-consuming analysis of all the ins and outs of your insurance responsibilities this bank holiday (although if you do need to go through your policy documents to make sure of anything, we’re here when you need us.)
But it’s worth taking this time to think about getting your business insurance-ready before hundreds of customers pack through your doors this weekend.
So here are a few things you should be thinking about, or already have plans in place for:
Machinery – All Machinery policies come with conditions about maintenance and upkeep. These will vary from policy to policy but most will dictate that you have your machinery checked and serviced every xx years by a qualified/licensed professional. If you don’t know the conditions on your policy, you should check. If in doubt, book your machinery for service before your event.
Slips and trips – The main cause of slips and trips is carelessness. And we don’t necessarily mean by the customer of staff member who falls. Items left lying around, spills not cleaned up quickly enough, areas not cleaned and tidied; all can cause slips and trips and all are easily preventable.
It’s important to ensure that you have a risk management plan that dictates who is responsible for keeping an area clean and tidy. And how often they should check their area. If you don’t use the risk management software, isitchecked, to record checks and actions, you can contact your Club Insure representative today for preferential rates.
Alcohol – Hopefully this will be a big weekend for alcohol sales at your venue. But please remember that it is illegal to serve alcohol to anyone who is drunk or disorderly. In the best case scenarios, you’ll get a telling off by the authorities. But repeat or serious offenders could have their license reviewed.
It’s never going to be an exact science and you can’t always tell who is drunk and who isn’t. And when your venue is busy, you don’t always have time to investigate. But there are steps you can take to minimise problems. A strong security presence, for instance, can prevent disorderly behaviour. Asking your bar staff to start conversations with customers when possible is also a way to tell if a person is overly intoxicated.
Staff – Over the bank holiday weekend, when your club is busier and you require staff to work longer hours, it’s important to make sure that they’re happy and healthy. Stressed staff aren’t anywhere near as effective, but you could also leave yourself liable for a claim if you haven’t taken the correct steps to protect employees.
Claims ranging from breaches of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations to Gross Negligence Manslaughter could close your club or even see the owner or manager responsible, behind bars.
In the next day or two, ensure that your staff rotas are designed so that no staff member is working too long without substantial breaks, and that anyone exposed to loud noise is given protective gear to wear.
It’s also important to make breaks and protective gear compulsory rather than advisory.
Stock – If you’re planning a big event, chances are you’ve increased the amount of stock kept on your premises. There’s a chance that your policy covers increase in stock for specific events, but there’s also a chance it doesn’t. You should contact your Club Insure representative to discuss if you’re unsure.
Licensing –Last but not least, it’s vitally important to make sure that your club has a license to host the type of event you’re planning. If you’re planning to open later, utilise outdoor space or invite substantially more people through your door, you’ll need to contact the licensing authorities.
With all the current licensing pressures on venues, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
So have a weekend to remember, but don’t forget your insurance responsibilities. Our advice would be to document and time-check everything, and be overly thorough. It’s better to spend time now than spend money defending a claim later.
If you need any help understanding your policy or your conditions over the bank holiday weekend, contact us today. The number is 0344 488 9204.