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Closing your club? Make sure you complete these vital dormancy checks

Orange ball left on football pitch following club dormancy

Following the government’s announcement that UK citizens must only leave home where absolutely necessary, all clubs, pubs and leisure businesses have been forced to close their doors for at least three weeks. 

It’s imperative that at this time you put the safety of yourself, your staff and your customers first. But you must also safeguard your club’s future. 

Ensure you have completed all the adequate steps to keep your premises safe whilst not in use.

Before vacating your club, pub or other venue, you must make sure you have taken the following steps:

It’s also important to notify your insurer or insurance broker if:

We have created a downloadable Dormancy Checklist to help you protect your premises, allowing you to quickly and safely return to normal once this challenging period has passed. 

As always, if you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of our team please do get in touch

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