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Important Changes to Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

RIDDOR is the law that requires employers, and other people in control of work premises, to report and keep records of:

Further changes effective from 1st October 2013 aimed at simplifying the process of RIDDOR have now come into play.

New Classifications

The first of the changes is the reclassification of ‘major injuries’ to shortened list of ‘Specified Injuries.’ These ‘Specified Injuries’ are as follows:

New Disease Classification

The second change is that the previous list of 47 types of industrial disease have been replaced with eight categories of reportable work-related illness:


The deadline by which such reports must be made will also increase from the current 10 days to 15 days.

To report such events there have previously been a variety of ways available. What is becoming clear is that the HSE prefer all reports now to be made via their web-site. We understand that telephone reports will be accepted but only for “major” or “fatal” injury categories.

Trigger Point

The trigger point for absence related reporting has increased from 3 to 7 days. The previous “over three day” injury report will now become an “over seven day” report.

Remember that the day on which the accident happened does not count towards the period of incapacity and “Incapacitation” means that the worker is absent, or is unable to do work that they would reasonably be expected to do as part of their normal work duties.

This new trigger point ties in with Doctor’s medical notes, which are required for absences which extend into 8 or more calendar days of incapacity.

What Won’t Change

Some things won’t change however, it is still vital to create and retain an internal record of all accidents that require three days from attending work. The monitoring of these more minor accidents is essential to help identify trends, training requirements and risk assessment information for example.

These measure will also help improve your health and safety policy (which should be updated to catch up and to try help prevent make sure that those responsible for accident monitoring and reporting in your organisation are fully aware of these new requirements.

There are no significant changes to the reporting requirements for fatal accidents, accidents to non-workers (members of the public), accidents resulting in a worker being unable to perform their normal range of duties for more than seven days.

For more information about the bespoke insurance coverage we offer at Club Insure Ltd for your sports or social club, contact us on 0844 844 9204 or use our enquiry form. To find out more about RIDDOR and how to report an injury, go to their website.

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